Sunday 22 March 2009

Hamas: We'll not renounce our right to resist occupation and defend our people

Hamas: We'll not renounce our right to resist occupation and defend our people

[ 22/03/2009 - 04:53 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement vowed Sunday to stay adherent to the Palestinian constants whose guidelines were drawn by the blood of late Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, highlighting that it would never renounce its right to resist the occupation and defend the Palestinian people until the liberation of all Palestinian lands.

In a statement issued on the fifth anniversary of martyrdom of Sheikh Yassin and a copy of which was received by the PIC, Hamas said that the assassination of its spiritual leader was a spark that ignited the spirit of resistance among the Arab and Muslim nation and moved forward the wheel of history in favor of the Palestinian people.

Hamas warned the Israeli government of persisting in judaizing occupied Jerusalem, desecrating the sanctity of Islamic holy places and evicting the Palestinian people from their lands and homes, saying that its attempt to impose a fait accompli in Jerusalem would not be met with long silence.

Hamas also held Israel fully responsible for its terrorist actions against the Palestinian prisoners in its jails and any consequent uprisings that might happen inside prisons, calling on the Israeli government to comply with the Palestinian resistance's demands regarding the prisoner swap deal.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your work on this blog. I found it when searching for Palestinian related information. I am also dedicated to Palestine and her people. Very soon I will launch a campaign that will prove to my fellow Christians that supporting Palestine is also a spiritual obligation as well as a moral one. It will shake the foundations.

Please stay strong and never give up. Use flyers at Churches and Mosques. Bypass the Media gatekeepers by exposing the Israeli terror regime on national call-in radio programs, after getting pass the call screener by saying something their agenda agrees with like how "great" Bush or Obama are.

I have done exhaustive research on the 9-11 operation and can prove that almost all of it was a Mossad / CIA False Flag Operation. The 9-11 Truth movement was right after all. See the documentary Terror Storm at

Inshallah, I will return. Peace be with you.

uprooted Palestinian said...

Dear Leonard
Thank you for both your kind words and your supporting our cause. Your encouragement made me stronger, Please return and contribiute