Friday 22 October 2010

Can Zionism be abandoned? A comment from Mirror site

One Response to Zionism is immoral …

Peter A. Belmont

pabelmont | October 21, 2010 at 4:36 pm |

Can Zionism be abandoned?

Perhaps Zionism is like Wittgenstein’s ladder (that is, is like philosophy) which you use to climb the wall and then kick down when no longer needed. Perhaps, like the children of robber-barons who inherit the money but not the criminality (or excessive acquisitiveness), Zionists now living in Israel could agree to a roll-back (in the interest of fairness), so long as there was, at the end of it all, a country in which they could safely live.

The population of New York City is greater than the Jewish population of Israel and NYC occupies only 305 sq mi. Perhaps it also uses less water. It can be done. And NYC has great theater and concerts, too.

Of course, current facts are against this idea, as the Ahad Ha’am’s and Judah Magnes’s are fewer now and the Jabotinsky’s more numerous, even wall-to-wall in Israel. Before 1930 there were discussions of morality that seem rather dated today. It is a strange fact that the stronger Israel has grown militarily the more fearful its leaders have proselytized its people to be and the more land it has seen as necessary to its safety and fulfillment.

 It is as if to say, “We need Zionism now more than ever. In 1948 the Holocaust was over and the remaining danger to Jews was comparatively nil. Today there is nothing but danger, which we manufacture and re-manufacture in war after unnecessary war.” And as if to say, further, “We like danger. We thrive on it. It is our life-blood. We do not wish to be safe, but to exist perpetually in danger, and to that end we will keep our neighbors maximally enraged with us.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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