Thursday 10 November 2011

Mazin Qumsiyeh, is against the war on Iran. Thats good, but why??

Mazin Qumsiyeh, is against the war on Iran. Thats good, but why??
  • The neocon conservatives/Zionists who pushed for the war on Iraq believed it would strengthen Israeli hegemony.Instead it strengthened Iran and groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.
  • An attack on Iran might only accelerate the already evident decline in colonial power.
  • Iranian weapons will not distinguish Israeli from Palestinian lives as we are intricately mingled
 "Those of us who do not have memories stretching back decades, can at least think of the 2003 war on Iraq and who pushed for it, with what lies (WMD, terrorism etc) and what was their real motives (people like Perle, Wolfowitz, and yes Netanyahu).
Now the same criminal gang is pushing for a war on Iran..............I am convinced that they (policy makers in Washington and Tel Aviv who push for war) are miscalculating again just like they did with Iraq. The neocon conservatives/Zionists who pushed for the war on Iraq believed it would strengthen Israeli hegemony. Instead it strengthened Iran and groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.
An attack on Iran might only accelerate the already evident decline in colonial power.
I know some Palestinians would like to see that but others like me believe it is too costly in lives of Iranians and Israelis (and of course Iranian weapons will not distinguish Israeli from Palestinian lives as we are intricately mingled now thanks to Israeli colonial activities all over historic Palestine). I hope politicians in power see the danger before it is too late."
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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